Sunday, September 28, 2008

General Relief Society Meeting

Last night I had the opportunity to go to the General Relief Society Meeting with one of my best friends Jennifer Draper. We also went with her mom, sister, and sister-in-law. We had such a good time we had some Yummy food at Paradise Bakery before we went to the meeting then after we made make a quick stop at The Cheesecake Factory to get us each a slice of Cheesecake. Yummy Yummy.

It was so great to be able to attend the meeting in the Conference Center it is such an amazing building. It is so fun being in there with all those women, can you say girl power! When the Prophet walked in it was so amazing, I was kind of in shock because I was expecting President Hinckley to walk in with his cute little cane (And I also put my hand over my heart, kind of like when I go to the movie theater and I try and put my seat belt on :0) I am not quite use to President Monson yet because Pres. Hinckley was in forever. But it was a great experience attending a meeting with the new Prophet.

The General Relief Sociey Presidency did such a great job. President Uchtdorf did such a great job too he is one of my favorites, plus he is very handsome. Thanks Jen for inviting me I had such a great time.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Give a little boy a box and he is happy all day. I gave Jack a box around 9 this morning and he was still playing with it at 2. First him and Will were playing in it together it was so cute. Then he was hiding in it from my visiting teachers. Then he started ripping it and jabbing holes in it with a pen. It is some pretty cheap entertainment.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

8 Months

Today Will is 8 months old. I can't believe he is that old it seems like I just had him. It seemed like I was pregnant forever because I was sick the WHOLE time. But it was all worth it Will is such a sweet baby.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


7 Things I plan to do before I die

1. Go on lots of trips with my family
2. Be debt free
3. Learn Patience
4. Maybe run a marathon (Maybe)
5. Organize my whole house
6. Teach my kids the gospel
7. Learn to be on time

7 Things I can do

1. Work with 3 little boys on my lap (Multi-task)
2. Cook & Bake
3. Wake board
4. Go to the gym
5. Listen to others
6. Eat Junk food
7. Read

7 Things I cannot do

1. Get myself and 3 kids to church on time.
2. Speak in public
3. keep a closet clean
4. Stop watching teeny bopper shows like The Hills, One Tree Hill, etc.
5. Be on time anywhere
6. Sing
7. Play any musical instruments

7 Things that attract me to the opposite sex (Ryan)

1. He is hot
2. He is the nicest person I know
3. He is so patient
4. He is Funny
5. He is the best dad in the world
6. He is always happy
7. He is the best!

7 Things I say most often

1. Hurry
2. Jack don't touch Will
3. Uh huh
4. Smile
5. Sam & Jack pick up your toys
6. We'll see
7. I Love You

7 Celebrity Admirations

1. President Hinkley
2. President Monson
3. I don't really have any

7 Favorite Foods

1. Pasta
2. Cafe Rio pork salad(I had it today actually)
3. Dulce De Leche Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory
4. My moms cinnamon rolls, breads, rolls.
5. Shrimp from Asian Star
6. Barbecue crab from Joes Crab Shack
7. Heath Cookies from WG Grinders

7 People who should do this

Jamie, Brittni, Jimi, Jill, Jill, Missy, Amber

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I got tagged

The Rules
1.Link the person(s) who tagged you
2.Mention the rules on your blog
3.Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4.Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them

1.I hate twisted socks they make me crazy.
2.Sometimes when I get nervous or see something scary my feet tingle.
3.I love drinking diet coke and eating chocolate together.
4.I have to eat a bowl of cold cereal almost every night before I go to bed.
5.I have to check on my kids before I go to bed or I can't sleep. (I actually check on Will like 10 times I am crazy)
6.If Ryan isn't home from church meetings, or playing softball I have a hard time falling asleep. Last week I got in bed at ten and Ryan still wasn't home from his meeting at 11:45 and I was still wide awake so I texted him to make sure he was okay. He was just fine and home like 15 min later.

Now I tag Jenna, Renee, Megan, Sally, Amber, Jessica

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jack's 1st day of preschool!

Today was Jack's 1st day of preschool. He was so excited to go he woke up at seven this morning and said, "Mom I am excited about preschool" He usually doesn't wake up that earily he was just so excited. As we were driving to Missin Thompson's(that is what Jack calls her) he said, "Mom I am sick, mom I have a belly ache" He was a little nervous. But once we got inside he did just fine. What a cute little guy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Flaming Gorge

Last weekend we made another trip up to Flaming Gorge we had a lot of fun. This time we went with Jen & Justin and some of their family. The kids had a fun time playing in the dirt, riding 4 wheelers, and skipping rocks. This trip the weather wasn't as good so we only went boating one day. And the water was so disgusting it was so green and mossy I can't believe I even got in yuck. Ryan's first time out on the board he tweaked his knee hopefully it isn't to serious. But he had a blast on the air chair. On Saturday Justin got the satellite hooked up so we were able to watch part of the Utes Game. Go Utes. We had lots of yummy food. We always love doing stuff with the Williams Fam they are great. We had a good time, but we left a day early because it was really stormy.

Will and Sage eating crackers.

Brian shading his face with his mom's beautiful hat.
Jen and Sarah and baby Ruthy under the blanket.
Sam shooting his bb gun.
Our camp
Justin making homeade ice cream. I was supervising because it is my recipe.
Me & Will
Brian with the little boys.
The boys got so dirty we made them take a shower outside in the cold, they are so cute.