Friday, May 1, 2009

OuR FuNnY LiTtLe JaCK jAcK with MaJoR AtTITudE!!!

Jack decided yesterday to have a lemonade stand, but we didn't have any lemonade so he had a punch stand instead he is soo funny.

Jack has us cracking up every single day here are some of our recent conversations with him.
(Jack was crying the whole time, and we were getting ready for bed.)
Jack: Mom I wish I was Sam.
Me: How come?
Jack: Because Sam is nice.
Me: Well sometimes you are nice. Your nice at school aren't you?
Jack: Ya
Me: Your nice to your teacher aren't you?
Jack: Ya
Me: Your nice to your friends aren't you
Jack: Ya, But all I am is funny.
Me: Well you can chose to be nice.
Jack: I know.

The other night Jack was in brushing his teeth and he was singing a song and Ryan walked in.

Ryan: Jack what are you singing?
Jack: Dad what is a oneanizer?
Ryan: I don't know.
Jack Singing as he walks out the room: Oneanizer, twoanizer, threeanizer.

He was singing the Brittney Spears song Womanizer.


Darla said...

Thats so hilarious! I caught Jonah singing..."don't ya wish your girlfriend was hot like me?" Seriously, how do they remember! Theres always has to be one to keep things entertaining!!

Jimi said...

LOL!!! I love it!

Jill said...

What a crack up!

Kim said...

he is hilarious! Not to mention adorable. Don't you love listening to their versions of songs?!

Jillo said...

He really is a funny kid. I have some pretty good stories from our 10 minute preschool rides.
Did he make any money selling punch? YOu should call if he does it again, my kid LOVE to go buy stuff from other kids.